After some Googling, I managed to find an example to get some Yahoo Pipes stuff working. Pretty nifty. In a few minutes, you'll see it in the background, below the canvas element. It's a simple graphical way of reading the mind of the city of Sydney, by finding prominent images describing its life. It's a quick and easy design informant for the kinds of activity Sydney's popularity and publicity thrives on, and can serve as a basis for the kinds of events, activities, and ways of life a new built organism on the F.A.M.E. site would do better to nurture and grow with.
A technical note: the Pipe is currently working in Firefox and Google Chrome (on Windows 7), though IE is another question because it's majorly lagging behind the other browsers when it comes to... anything usefully or interestingly complex, really. IE compatability isn't an important part of the Yahoo Pipes experiment, anyway. All that matters is that I can retrieve interesting and useful information, then - because this is a design subject - process it into aesthetically pleasing information.
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